
Friday, September 16, 2011

Tehmeena Afzal, The Queen From ‘Queens’

Read my lips carefully, if you like what you see
Move, groove, prove you can hang with me
By the looks I got you shook up and scared of me
Buckle your seatbelt, it’s time for takeoff

I don’t think you’re ready, for this jelly
I don’t think you’re ready, for this jelly
I don’t think you’re ready for this…
‘Cause my body’s too bootylicious for ya babe!


Name: Tehmeena Afzal
Age: 28
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 111 lbs
Measurements: 34DD-24-37
Ethnicity: Pakistani (say what! ?)

The compelling concept behind E.B. Rice’s 1912 Tarzan was not a story of some wino slumming in the woods. It was a cleverly packaged Eugenics ideal (Bio-Genetic Law had just been proposed) that a helpless child (of noble birth) could be introduced into a hostile environment, like an African jungle, and by virtue of his inherent traits and ability (his physiology, intellect, virility,etc) he could not only survive, but become the master of his domain. If you remember, there were plenty of blacks living in the same jungle with Tarzan and of course, they, were all getting their asses kicked.

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So, what if you introduced an athletic, ambitious, headstrong girl with delectable Pakistani genes into the concrete jungles of Queens, New York ?. In Pakistan, like Krypton, most of her powers and abilities would be stultified and nagged-out of her before she even hit puberty. But a land where inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are (sorta, kinda) guaranteed for all (sorta, kinda), what might become of her ?.

Tehmeena Afzal, for one.

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If you saw Tehmeena standing in the fields of Punjab, wearing a lehnga, bangles and some large earrings dangling from her ears, you would think “There goes another sassy mutiarun… I am never gonna know“. The long dark tresses, large almond-shaped eyes, distinctive nose and big juicy lips with a beguiling natural pout, will place her somewhere in the Pakistani heartland. Her features are decidedly eastern, just holding up better than most..

But outward appearances is where the similarities tend to end with her eastern sisters. It is after all understandable, growing up in the tough neighborhood of Queens, having to forge an identity separate from her emigrant parents. The choices she has made, the goals she is pursuing are as much a product of her environment, as herself. Where western culture has put more responsibilities and made her vulnerable by taking away the eastern family support structures, it has allowed her the space to exercise abilities and freedom to explore areas of her personality, which largely go untapped in the old country. It’s a trade-off that she thinks is worth it, having visited Pakistan a couple of times.

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1 comment:

  1. we need more girls like this from pakistan
